The under discussion risk assessment is very important and the following are some of the points and text derived and taken from the original and editable file for the Risk Assessment for the Clearing Drain Blockages And Cleaning Drains activity. For more quality occupational, health, and safety free documents, log on to my blog site:  

Significant Hazards

Infection and Foreign bodies–feces, contaminated water, needles, glass, soiled dressings

Significant Harms

Infections, Cuts, Needlestick injuries, skin infections dead animals

Existing Controls

  1. Work involving sewage is avoided where possible and contractors are called in to clear drain blockages etc.;
  2. The site Supervisor is instructed to cover open wounds with waterproof dressings;
  3. Appropriate PPE e.g., Safety goggles, impervious gloves, and overalls are provided to reduce the risk of contact with eyes/skin;
  4. Eating, drinking, and smoking are prohibited during the task;
  5. The site Supervisor has had any required inoculations, for example, tetanus.
  6. Proper and essential equipment/machinery is used, for instance, litter picker, tongs, and plunger or drain rods to remove an object;
  7. Hands are not used to free blockages;
  8. Breathing in sewage dust or spray is avoided;
  9. Strict personal hygiene is observed by the site supervisor and hands are washed thoroughly after the task using soap, hot water, and a nail brush;
  10. Contaminated equipment e.g., drain rods are cleaned on-site before storing; the Site supervisor is advised to follow the guidance on dealing with Sharps and Needle-stick Injuries on Health & Safety site.
  11. Adequate first aid equipment is provided, including clean water or sterile wipes for cleansing wounds, and a supply of sterile waterproof, adhesive dressings is provided.
  12. The site Supervisor is advised to consult GP in the event of flu-like illness or fever, particularly where associated with severe headache and skin infections.

Significant Hazards

Slips, trips, falls

Significant Harms

Musculoskeletal injuries, bruising, fractures

Existing Controls

  1. Cautionary signs are put in place before the commencement of the job and left in position until the area is clean and dry;
  2. Any spillages or overflows are cleaned up as soon as possible;
  3. The area is kept free from additional obstructions for the duration of the task.

Significant Hazards

Chemicals / Cleaning products (COSHH)

Significant Harms

Skin irritation, respiratory disorder

Existing Controls

  1. The site Supervisor is competent in safe and correct handling, storage, use, and disposal of chemicals and cleaning products; Products used are specifically for purpose;
  2. The Site Supervisor covers all cuts and abrasions with suitable dressing; all products used are kept out of reach of children;
  3. COSHH risk assessments are completed for the product(s) being used and explained to the employee;
  4. COSHH Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheets are available for products used;
  5. The manufacturer's instructions and COSHH risk assessments for use of specific products are used. The product is properly measured for recommended dilution and added to water. The container cap is replaced;
  6. Appropriate PPE e.g., Safety goggles, impervious gloves, and overalls are provided to reduce the risk of contact with eyes/skin as identified by the COSHH risk assessment; Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited during the task;
  7. Strict personal hygiene is observed by the site supervisor and hands are washed thoroughly after the task;
  8. All equipment used with chemicals/cleaning products is cleaned and checked before returning to the store;
  9. The Site Supervisor is aware of where and how to obtain First Aid treatment.

Significant Hazards

Pedestrian/vehicular traffic

Significant Harms

Serious injury

Existing Controls

  1. Access to the work area is restricted/monitored;
  2. Designated pedestrian routes are put in place to restrict unauthorized access;
  3. Work is planned for quieter times of the day when reduced/restricted pedestrian access is required to the area;
  4. A safe working area is cordoned off around the area and signage is used as appropriate;
  5. High visibility clothing is worn by the Site Supervisor if working on a traffic route.

Significant Hazards

Weather conditions; high winds, heavy rain, hot weather, etc.

Significant Harms

Fall injuries, sunburn, heat exhaustion

Existing Controls

  1. The site Supervisor assesses the weather conditions before undertaking external work and does not undertake the task if conditions are unsuitable;
  2. Site Supervisor wears clothing appropriate to the weather conditions; Site Supervisor wears clothing to cover skin and wears sunscreen in hot sunshine;
  3. The site Supervisor keeps well hydrated and takes regular breaks in hot weather.





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